Galatians 6:2 (Quoting Matthew 19) says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Jesus says it this way, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
At Bozeman United Methodist Church, we appreciate the ways you are able to be generous and prayerful within this community.
Thru the generous giving of our church, we are able to serve the community through various ministries, local organizations and programs. We are able to serve both local missions opportunities (Helping Hands Fund, Food Bank, Warming Center, Fork & Spoon and more) and international missions opportunities (Disaster Relief, East Angola, Burundi, El Salvador and more) and give 100% of our donations because of monthly tithing that covers our administrative costs.
We offer traditional envelopes for in-person offerings and ACH automatic transfers that are setup with our treasurer for convenience.
Giving is not just about money; your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness are also important contributions to the amazing work we are able to accomplish together in Bozeman, in Montana, in the US and all over the World. We encourage members to use their skills and time to support the church's work.
How can I give financially to the church?
Cash or Check: At Bozeman UMC you can give by cash or check to BUMC and put your giving in the offering plates during worship, or in the box with the Ushers at the Olive entrance! If you intend to give to a specific fund including building fund, general fund, missions opportunity, UMCOR, etc. please make a note of it in the memo. Mail to: 121 S. Willson Bozeman, MT 59715
EFT/ACH Giving (bank to bank transfer): Electronic Fund Transfer is an easy, efficient, and economical method for monthly giving. Automatic Clearing House (ACH) uses the electronic funds transfer network used by our banking system. This systems is used transfer funds, eliminating the need to write a check.
Stock Donations:
Stocks gifts are a great way to transfer money to the church. The church has consolidated our investment funds with D.A. Davidson, contact the Church Treasurer to get the account number for transfer.
All stock transfers must be initiated by Dec 15th. Anything initiated after this date is not guaranteed to be liquidated and applied to your giving for the year.
Contact our Treasurer: (406) 586-5413
Online Giving
Text to Fund Keywords:
general = General Fund
building = Building Fund for Major Maintenance
UMCOR = United Methodist Committee on Disaster. Relief Fund
christmas = Christmas Eve Offering for Local Service Orgs
Mem = Memorial Fund
youth = Youth Events Fund
flowers = Altar Flowers. Fund
foodbank = Gallatin Valley Food Bank Pass Thru Fund
Family = Family Ministries Fund
Missions = Mission Opportunity Fund
campus = Campus Ministries Fund
warming = Warming Center Pass Thru Fund
To donate by text, a donor simply:
Text the amount you’d like to give (e.g. $50) to our giving number (406) 506-5850. Remember to include a space between your dollar amount and your keyword. If a user submits $50missions, they will receive a "Sorry, not sure what you meant" error message. The proper format must be $50 missions in order for the command to be received properly.
If a person has donated by text before, they'll receive a text in response confirming that their gift has been received successfully and they're done.
If it's the first time a person is donating by text, they'll be sent a message that says, "It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided). It will be a link to the church's online giving page. Clicking on the link they will be asked to supply their payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with their phone number so that, in the future, all they will need to do is text in the amount. (They will not need to re-enter their payment information.)
If the donor didn't specify a fund by keyword, donations will automatically go to the default general fund in Breeze. Example giving by keyword: $50 missions Note: Donors can only give to one fund at a time.
The donor will receive a confirmation email, sent to the email entered with their payment details, that their online gift was processed.
1 . Donors can only refund their own gift with this command within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled.
2. If a person needs to update their name associated with the payment method (which will be associated to the Contribution receipts emailed) they will use the "Update" command and be sure to enter the accurate name with the payment method update.
4. If a donor sets up a second (or subsequent) recurring gift from a different method, the only way to modify any previous recurring gifts would be through the web portal (Give Now).